Using arff datasets from – Part1

Data is one of the most important part in machine learning (ML) or in AI in general. 

In this post we will explore some of the steps to use data 

from an dataset which have .arff extension (is an arff file) 

1) Download datasets from the openml

openml contain a lots of datasets that can be used in AI 

or ML projects, those data sets are free, and are very useful. In present post we 

will choose to exemplify steel-plates-fault

We will use fetch_openml dataset.

from sklearn.datasets import fetch_openml

my_steel_plates_fault = fetch_openml(name='steel-plates-fault', version=3, as_frame=False, parser='liac-arff')

Here parameters name and version are clear. 

Parameters as_frame and parser are used just because if we not use panda parser

using liac-arff we need to specify  as_frame parameter.

2) Dataset description 


from sklearn.datasets import fetch_openml

my_steel_plates_fault = fetch_openml(name='steel-plates-fault', version=3, as_frame=False, parser='liac-arff')


output is:

C:\Users\Stefan\PycharmProjects\arffProject\venv\Scripts\python.exe C:\Users\Stefan\PycharmProjects\arffProject\ 

**Author**: Semeion, Research Center of Sciences of Communication, Rome, Italy.     

**Source**: [UCI](     

**Please cite**: Dataset provided by Semeion, Research Center of Sciences of Communication, Via Sersale 117, 00128, Rome, Italy.  

__Changes w.r.t. version 1: included one target factor with 7 levels as target variable for the classification. Also deleted the previous 7 binary target variables.__

**Steel Plates Faults Data Set**  

A dataset of steel plates' faults, classified into 7 different types. The goal was to train machine learning for automatic pattern recognition.

The dataset consists of 27 features describing each fault (location, size, ...) and 1 feature indicating the type of fault (on of 7: Pastry, Z_Scratch, K_Scatch, Stains, Dirtiness, Bumps, Other_Faults). The target is the type of fault.

### Attribute Information  

* V1: X_Minimum  

* V2: X_Maximum  

* V3: Y_Minimum  

* V4: Y_Maximum  

* V5: Pixels_Areas  

* V6: X_Perimeter  

* V7: Y_Perimeter  

* V8: Sum_of_Luminosity  

* V9: Minimum_of_Luminosity  

* V10: Maximum_of_Luminosity  

* V11: Length_of_Conveyer  

* V12: TypeOfSteel_A300  

* V13: TypeOfSteel_A400  

* V14: Steel_Plate_Thickness  

* V15: Edges_Index  

* V16: Empty_Index  

* V17: Square_Index  

* V18: Outside_X_Index  

* V19: Edges_X_Index  

* V20: Edges_Y_Index  

* V21: Outside_Global_Index  

* V22: LogOfAreas  

* V23: Log_X_Index  

* V24: Log_Y_Index  

* V25: Orientation_Index  

* V26: Luminosity_Index  

* V27: SigmoidOfAreas  

* target: 7 types of fault as classification target  

### Relevant Papers  

1.M Buscema, S Terzi, W Tastle, A New Meta-Classifier,in NAFIPS 2010, Toronto (CANADA),26-28 July 2010, 978-1-4244-7858-6/10 ©2010 IEEE  

2.M Buscema, MetaNet: The Theory of Independent Judges, in Substance Use & Misuse, 33(2), 439-461,1998

Downloaded from

Process finished with exit code 0

3) Printing dataset details



output is:

{'id': '40982', 'name': 'steel-plates-fault', 'version': '3', 'description_version': '1', 'format': 'ARFF', 'upload_date': '2017-12-04T22:37:56', 'licence': 'Public', 'url': '', 'parquet_url': '', 'file_id': '18151921', 'default_target_attribute': 'target', 'version_label': '3', 'tag': ['Data Science', 'Engineering', 'OpenML-CC18', 'study_135', 'study_98', 'study_99'], 'visibility': 'public', 'minio_url': '', 'status': 'active', 'processing_date': '2018-10-04 07:21:37', 'md5_checksum': '7ccdabeb01749cce9fa3b1d4a702fb8c'}

4) Printing dataset url



output is:

5) Using data_id to download dataset

40982 is data_id for dataset. We can use data_id like parameter with 

fetch_openml to download dataset for example:

from sklearn.datasets import fetch_openml

my_steel_plates_fault_b = fetch_openml(data_id=40982, parser="liac-arff", as_frame=False)


This create my_steel_plates_fault_b which is basically the same dataset like previous my_steel_plates_fault

For comparison we will print again details of my_steel_plates_fault_c.


import pandas

from sklearn.datasets import fetch_openml

my_steel_plates_fault_c = fetch_openml(data_id=40982)


output is:

C:\Users\Stefan\PycharmProjects\arffProject\venv\Scripts\python.exe C:\Users\Stefan\PycharmProjects\arffProject\ 

{'id': '40982', 'name': 'steel-plates-fault', 'version': '3', 'description_version': '1', 'format': 'ARFF', 'upload_date': '2017-12-04T22:37:56', 'licence': 'Public', 'url': '', 'parquet_url': '', 'file_id': '18151921', 'default_target_attribute': 'target', 'version_label': '3', 'tag': ['Data Science', 'Engineering', 'OpenML-CC18', 'study_135', 'study_98', 'study_99'], 'visibility': 'public', 'minio_url': '', 'status': 'active', 'processing_date': '2018-10-04 07:21:37', 'md5_checksum': '7ccdabeb01749cce9fa3b1d4a702fb8c'}

In this case it is used pandas parser, from this reason before fetch_openml we 

need to have import pandas.

6) Downloading dataset as a dataframe


import pandas

from sklearn.datasets import fetch_openml

my_steel_plates_fault_d = fetch_openml(data_id=40982, as_frame=True)


output is:

     V1    V2       V3       V4    V5  ...     V23     V24     V25     V26     V27

0    42    50   270900   270944   267  ...  0.9031  1.6435  0.8182 -0.2913  0.5822

1   645   651  2538079  2538108   108  ...  0.7782  1.4624  0.7931 -0.1756  0.2984

2   829   835  1553913  1553931    71  ...  0.7782  1.2553  0.6667 -0.1228  0.2150

3   853   860   369370   369415   176  ...  0.8451  1.6532  0.8444 -0.1568  0.5212

4  1289  1306   498078   498335  2409  ...  1.2305  2.4099  0.9338 -0.1992  1.0000

[5 rows x 27 columns]

Those are first 5 rows.

We see here columns name is V1, V2, V3, .... 

Significance of those name is in example b) where it is dataset description.

The ‘sklearn’ PyPI package is deprecated, use ‘scikit-learn’

In this post:

Problem description:

Recently I tried to run on PyCharm 2024.3.1.1 (Community Edition) , Python 3.13 some stuff with datasets. Beginning of the code was like:
from sklearn import datasets
iris_ds = datasets.load_iris()
#... other lines .....

The problem is that package sklearn is not recognized, I tried to add it to project in PyCharm and it fail, in error messages it advice to run pip, to bypass eventual GUI problems. Here is what happened further: 

1) Try first pip install from .venv scripts from PyCharm project

(.venv) C:\Windows\System32>pip install sklearn

Collecting sklearn
  Using cached sklearn-0.0.post12.tar.gz (2.6 kB)
  Installing build dependencies ... done
  Getting requirements to build wheel ... error
  error: subprocess-exited-with-error

  × Getting requirements to build wheel did not run successfully.
   exit code: 1
  ╰─> [15 lines of output]
      The 'sklearn' PyPI package is deprecated, use 'scikit-learn'
      rather than 'sklearn' for pip commands.

      Here is how to fix this error in the main use cases:
      - use 'pip install scikit-learn' rather than 'pip install sklearn'
      - replace 'sklearn' by 'scikit-learn' in your pip requirements files
        (requirements.txt,, setup.cfg, Pipfile, etc ...)
      - if the 'sklearn' package is used by one of your dependencies,
        it would be great if you take some time to track which package uses
        'sklearn' instead of 'scikit-learn' and report it to their issue tracker
      - as a last resort, set the environment variable

      More information is available at
      [end of output]

  note: This error originates from a subprocess, and is likely not a problem with pip.
error: subprocess-exited-with-error

× Getting requirements to build wheel did not run successfully.
 exit code: 1
╰─> See above for output.

note: This error originates from a subprocess, and is likely not a problem with pip.

[notice] A new release of pip is available: 23.2.1 -> 24.3.1
[notice] To update, run: python.exe -m pip install --upgrade pip

2) Upgrade pip from Python binaries.

We see notice that pip is 23.2.1. version and suggestion is to upgrade it to latest 24.3.1
Going to python binaries:

(.venv) C:\Windows\System32>cd C:\Program Files\Python313

(.venv) C:\Program Files\Python313>python.exe -m pip install --upgrade pip
Defaulting to user installation because normal site-packages is not writeable
Requirement already satisfied: pip in c:\program files\python313\lib\site-packages (24.3.1)

(.venv) C:\Program Files\Python313>

We find that already Python 3.13 binaries have pip 24.3.1, hence we deduce that pip used by PyCharm is 23.2.1 and it should be upgraded too.
We go back to .venv scripts and try to upgrade pip from there.

3) Upgrade pip from PyCharm .venv

(.venv) C:\Program Files\Python313>cd C:\Users\Stefan\PycharmProjects\Sklearn-dataset\.venv\Scripts

(.venv) C:\Users\Stefan\PycharmProjects\Sklearn-dataset\.venv\Scripts>dir p*
 Volume in drive C has no label.
 Volume Serial Number is 2CD9-ED78

 Directory of C:\Users\Stefan\PycharmProjects\Sklearn-dataset\.venv\Scripts
12/31/2024  03:33 PM           108,431 pip-3.13.exe
12/31/2024  03:33 PM           108,431 pip.exe
12/31/2024  03:33 PM           108,431 pip3.13.exe
12/31/2024  03:33 PM           108,431 pip3.exe
12/31/2024  03:33 PM                24 pydoc.bat
12/31/2024  03:33 PM           202,744 pyexpat.pyd
12/31/2024  03:33 PM           105,840 python.exe
12/31/2024  03:33 PM            72,560 python3.dll
12/31/2024  03:33 PM         6,093,816 python313.dll
12/31/2024  03:33 PM           104,304 pythonw.exe
              10 File(s)      7,013,012 bytes
               0 Dir(s)  189,810,143,232 bytes free

(.venv) C:\Users\Stefan\PycharmProjects\Sklearn-dataset\.venv\Scripts>python.exe -m pip install --upgrade pip
Requirement already satisfied: pip in c:\users\stefan\pycharmprojects\sklearn-dataset\.venv\lib\site-packages (23.2.1)
Collecting pip
  Obtaining dependency information for pip from
  Downloading pip-24.3.1-py3-none-any.whl.metadata (3.7 kB)
Downloading pip-24.3.1-py3-none-any.whl (1.8 MB)
   ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 1.8/1.8 MB 7.9 MB/s eta 0:00:00
Installing collected packages: pip
  Attempting uninstall: pip
    Found existing installation: pip 23.2.1
    Uninstalling pip-23.2.1:
      Successfully uninstalled pip-23.2.1
Successfully installed pip-24.3.1

4) Try again to install sklearn in PyCharm .venv

(.venv) C:\Users\Stefan\PycharmProjects\Sklearn-dataset\.venv\Scripts>pip install sklearn
> fail with the same “ The 'sklearn' PyPI package is deprecated, use 'scikit-learn'

5) Install scikit-learn in .venv

(.venv) C:\Users\Stefan\PycharmProjects\Sklearn-dataset\.venv\Scripts>pip install scikit-learn
Collecting scikit-learn
  Downloading scikit_learn-1.6.0-cp313-cp313-win_amd64.whl.metadata (15 kB)
Collecting numpy>=1.19.5 (from scikit-learn)
  Downloading numpy-2.2.1-cp313-cp313-win_amd64.whl.metadata (60 kB)
Collecting scipy>=1.6.0 (from scikit-learn)
  Downloading scipy-1.14.1-cp313-cp313-win_amd64.whl.metadata (60 kB)
Collecting joblib>=1.2.0 (from scikit-learn)
  Downloading joblib-1.4.2-py3-none-any.whl.metadata (5.4 kB)
Collecting threadpoolctl>=3.1.0 (from scikit-learn)
  Downloading threadpoolctl-3.5.0-py3-none-any.whl.metadata (13 kB)
Downloading scikit_learn-1.6.0-cp313-cp313-win_amd64.whl (11.1 MB)
   ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 11.1/11.1 MB 25.6 MB/s eta 0:00:00
Downloading joblib-1.4.2-py3-none-any.whl (301 kB)
Downloading numpy-2.2.1-cp313-cp313-win_amd64.whl (12.6 MB)
   ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 12.6/12.6 MB 46.7 MB/s eta 0:00:00
Downloading scipy-1.14.1-cp313-cp313-win_amd64.whl (44.5 MB)
   ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 44.5/44.5 MB 67.5 MB/s eta 0:00:00
Downloading threadpoolctl-3.5.0-py3-none-any.whl (18 kB)
Installing collected packages: threadpoolctl, numpy, joblib, scipy, scikit-learn
Successfully installed joblib-1.4.2 numpy-2.2.1 scikit-learn-1.6.0 scipy-1.14.1 threadpoolctl-3.5.0

6) Verify in PyCharn project

After 5 in PyCharm taskbar we will see messages like “There is Updating skeletons…..” once updating skeletons complete, it was possible to run proposed code:

from sklearn import datasets
iris_ds = datasets.load_iris()
#... other lines .....

Please note that it was even not necessary to change anything in code!

Python matplotlib – 2

In this article:

  1. Plotting more sets of data in the same graph
  2. A graph with categorical variable

1. Plotting more sets of data in the same graph

Lets plot two functions
y1=x2 + 1, y2= x3+2*t
X values are between 0 and 10

Code which solve the problem:

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as myplot
t = np.arange(0., 10., 0.25)
myplot.plot( t, t**2+1, 'r>') myplot.plot( t, t**3+2*t, 'b*')

Code explanation:
t = np.arange(0., 10., 0.25)
this generate x coordinate values. First argument 0. is the start value.
Second argument 10. is the end value. Third argument is the step between value.
Means generated values by np.arange are 0., 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 1, 1.25 etc.

Plot function have 3 arguments this time, first two was explained in previous post.
Third argument is plot "format string", which describe colour used for draw and character.
Thus for myplot.plot( t, t**2+1, 'r>')
third argument 'r>' will draw plot in red colour ('r') using triangle_right marker ('>).
Documentation about all markers supported by plot are in matplotlib.pyplot.plot, section "Format Strings".

Is important to retain that in plot "format string" first character is plot colour and the second character is type of marker.

For myplot.plot( t, t*3+2t, 'b') third argument 'b' will draw plot in blue ('b') and the marker is '*'

Output from code is in below image:

Plotting more sets of data in the same graph

2. A graph with categorical variables

Sample problem for this case: we have population
spread in 4 group ages:
years_18_30, medium income is 2800
years_31_45, medium income is 4100
years_46_60, medium income is 4500
years_60_plus, medium income is 3800
We need to plot categorical variable age/income for this.

Code is:

import matplotlib.pyplot as myplot
ages=['year_18_30', 'year_31_45', 'year_46_60', 'year_60_plus']
income = [2800, 4100, 4500, 3800]
myplot.figure(figsize=(5, 5))
myplot.subplot(111), income)

This time graph is draw in a figure, created by
myplot.figure(figsize=(5, 5))
Size of figure is width 5 inches, heigh 5 inches.

Graph is a bar graph type, draw with, income)

In code Similar output we used figure and subplot, similar output is obtained
without those with code:

import matplotlib.pyplot as myplot
ages=['year_18_30', 'year_31_45', 'year_46_60', 'year_60_plus']
income = [2800, 4100, 4500, 3800], income)

Python matplotlib – 1

In this article:

  1. A simple graphic with pyplot
  2. Using lists for graphic coordinates
  3. A graphic with many lines
  4. Using tuples for graphic coordinates
  5. What happen when lists or tuples for coordinates have different size?
  6. Save graphic in a file

1. A simple graphic with pyplot

Most simple graphic with matplotlib is plotting with pyplot interface:

import matplotlib.pyplot as myplot
myplot.plot([1, 5], [2, 12])

This show graphic like below:

Simple graphic with mathplotlib pyplot.

From image result that pyplot draw a line between two points (1,2) and (5,12)

2. Using lists for graphic coordinates

Arguments for "plot" in myplot.plot([1, 5], [2, 12]) are 2 lists:
l1 = [1, 5]
l2 = [2, 12]

The same graphic is obtained using:

import matplotlib.pyplot as myplot
l1 = [1, 5]
l2 = [2, 12]
myplot.plot(l1, l2)

In this case line draw is between
point 1 with coordinates:
x=first element of list l1, or l1[0]
y=first element of list l2, or l2[0]
point 2 with coordinates:
x=second element of list l1, or l1[1]
y=second element of list l2, or l2[1]

3. A graphic with many lines

If lists l1 and l2 have more elements, plot will draw line(es) between appropriate points. For example:

import matplotlib.pyplot as myplot
l1 = [1, 3, 5]
l2 = [2, 4, 12]
myplot.plot(l1, l2)

Code will draw:

A pyplot graphic with many lines

In this case lines are between points that have coordinates:
(1,2), (3,4), (5,12)
(l1[0],l2[0]), (l1[0],l2[0]), (l1[0],l2[0])

4. Using tuples for graphic coordinates

The same graphic is obtained if we use tuples, i.e. code:

import matplotlib.pyplot as myplot
t1 = (1, 3, 5)
t2 = (2, 4, 12)
myplot.plot(t1, t2)

Lists or tuples can have more elements, it is important that those to have
the same number of elements.

5. What happen when lists or tuples for coordinates have different size?

If we try with different elements, for example code:

import matplotlib.pyplot as myplot
l1 = [1, 3, 5]
l2 = [2, 4, 7, 12]
myplot.plot(l1, l2)

this will fail with error:
ValueError: x and y must have same first dimension, but have shapes (3,) and (4,)

6. Save graphic in a file

Command display effectively resulted graphic.
Using savefig() graphic is saved in a file for example:

import matplotlib.pyplot as myplot
l1 = [1, 3, 5]
l2 = [2, 4, 12]
myplot.plot(l1, l2)

Here savefig method is used with only one parameter, the file path.
Method savefig have many more parameters, like here.
Above code will save graphic in file C:\tmp\fig1.png

MySQL-Python – 5 Logging and MySQL Connector

This is a continuation from previous post MySQL-Python - 4.

In this page:

1. About logging

Logging activity for MySQL connector use default Python logging features. By default events with level WARNING are logged and are printed to terminal where we run, i.e. sys.stderr 

Configuring logging, we can change logged events level and we can print messages to other destination than stderr.

2. Sample code for classical logging

Below is a sample code for logging used in case when MySql Connector is used with insert. Use can be similar for other MySQL connector usecase. 

import logging

import datetime

import mysql.connector

#--this is code for loggers

logger = logging.getLogger("mysql.connector")


formatter = logging.Formatter("%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s- %(message)s")

# create console handler named stream_handler

stream_handler = logging.StreamHandler()

# add formatter to stream_handler


# add  console handler  stream_handler to logger


# create a file handler

file_handler = logging.FileHandler("conn_log.log")

# add formatter to file handler


# add  file handler to logger


#---this is code where mysql connector is used

connection = mysql.connector.connect(user='u2024', password='password1234', host='localhost', port=3306, database='sakila')

logger.debug('user u2024 logged')

cursor = connection.cursor()'mysql.connector created cursor')

SQL_insert_actor = ("INSERT INTO actor (first_name, last_name, last_update)"

            "VALUES  (%s, %s, %s)")

values_for_actor = ('NICK','WALKEN',, 12, 16))

cursor.execute(SQL_insert_actor, values_for_actor)

# commit to the database

connection.commit()'mysql.connector entry inserted in DB')



3. Code comments

First we defined a logger using logger = logging.getLogger("mysql.connector"), here mysql.connector is the logger name, it can be anything, we  named it  mysql.connector for visibility.

Change log level to DEBUG using logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)

Permitted log level are here

Line: formatter = logging.Formatter("%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s- %(message)s") 

define how log record will appear. This line is not mandatory, if we not use it, by default will be used string like '%(message)s' which means only the message will be in log record.

In our example we use a formatter object  thus we will display in log line: time, name, log level of the message and message itself. More about possibility for format message in formatter-objects

Next lines:

# create console handler named stream_handler

stream_handler = logging.StreamHandler()

# add formatter to stream_handler


# add  console handler  stream_handler to logger


create a stream handler that is added to logger, this stream handler is for logging to console, means lines for example that appear if we run python script in command prompt, or lines that appear on the screen as we will see when run in PyCharm


file_handler = logging.FileHandler("conn_log.log")

# add formatter to file handler


# add  file handler to logger


those create a file handler and add it to logger, those lines are responsible for what will be written in log file named "conn_log.log".

All the lines that follow after 

#---this is code where mysql connector is used

are to exemplify. From mysql connector point of view, those contain lines for inserting in DB. 

Between those lines, we added lines for logging, those contain logger.debug or

For example line like 

logger.debug('user u2024 logged')

will sent message 'user u2024 logged' with proper formatting, to console or file.

4. Sample logging output 

Below is an image with sample code run in Pycharm.

Logging in mysql connector, PyCharm

We see with red lines in output log lines from console handler defined prior. 

In  file "conn_log.log" appear also lines, this time from file handler. Below is how file looks like: 

Logging in file

MySQL-Python – 4. Insert and Update in MySQL DB with mysql.connector

This is a continuation from previous post MySQL-Python - 3.

In this page:


For insert sample, we will add a record in actor table from sakila sample database. We need to insert in actor table a record for person named NICK WALKEN which have last activity December 16, 2023

First let's see how records from actor table looks like.  For this opening MySQL 8.0 Command Line Client there is:

MySQL Command Line select sample

After we see record structure we can imagine how SQL insert will looks like and maybe test this in MySQL 8.0 Command Line Client.

Insert is: 

INSERT INTO actor (first_name, last_name, last_update) VALUES ('NICK', 'WALKEN',STR_TO_DATE('December 16, 2023', '%M %d,%Y'));

After run above select we verify result using a SELECT like below: 

SELECT * FROM actor WHERE first_name LIKE 'NICK' AND last_name LIKE 'WALKEN';

And we will obviously delete it because we will run insert once verified in python code later. To delete: 

DELETE FROM actor WHERE first_name LIKE 'NICK' AND last_name LIKE 'WALKEN';

MySQL Command Line insert sample

Sample Code for INSERT

import datetime

import mysql.connector

connection = mysql.connector.connect(user='u2024', password='password1234', host='localhost', port=3306, database='sakila')

cursor = connection.cursor()

SQL_insert_actor = ("INSERT INTO actor (first_name, last_name, last_update)"

            "VALUES  (%s, %s, %s)")

values_for_actor = ('NICK','WALKEN',, 12, 16))

cursor.execute(SQL_insert_actor, values_for_actor)

# commit to the database




Below is the same code executed in PyCharm

MySQL insert in PyCharm

Comments about code: 

Flow is similar with select flow from "MySQL-Python - 3", i.e. there is connection object, cursor object, SQL statement this time is in string named SQL_insert_actor. In current code appear new commit() method, because having an insert that modify data, we need to commit to DB. Then follow known cursor and connection close. 

Values that are used in insert are passed using notation similar with that from select with parameter, there is "VALUES  (%s, %s, %s)"

To "populate" values, we put those in a tuple named values_for_actor using 

values_for_actor = ('NICK','WALKEN',, 12, 16))

after that when run cursor execute: 

cursor.execute(SQL_insert_actor, values_for_actor)

values from tuple i.e. 'NICK','WALKEN',, 12, 16) go one by one and will replace %s from SQL statement named SQL_insert_actor

Observation: when we checked with select statement actor table data, we see there column actor_id, this is not in VALUES because it is an AUTO_INCREMENT column.


We propose to update NICK WALKEN record from actor table to change last_update to be December 19, 2023

Sample code for UPDATE:

import datetime

import mysql.connector

connection = mysql.connector.connect(user='u2024', password='password1234', host='localhost', port=3306, database='sakila')

cursor = connection.cursor()

SQL_update_actor = ("UPDATE actor SET last_update=%s WHERE first_name LIKE 'NICK' AND last_name LIKE 'WALKEN'")

tochange_last_update = (, 12, 19), )

cursor.execute(SQL_update_actor, tochange_last_update)

# commit to the database




MySQL update in PyCharm

We can check if update was ok, using select

Update Check

Comments about code:

- Code is similar with previous sample, main difference is SQL statement in this case is SQL_update_actor and the tuple tochange_last_update that we use to pass parameter to update, here tochange_last_update is a tuple with only one element, means this is why we not have (, 12, 19)) means heaving (, 12, 19), )  

Comma from the end is for tuple with one element. 

- Passing parameter to SQL statement, here SQL_update_actor is possible via %s, means something like replacing 

SQL_update_actor = ("UPDATE actor SET last_update=%s WHERE first_name LIKE 'NICK' AND last_name LIKE 'WALKEN'")

tochange_last_update = (, 12, 19), )

cursor.execute(SQL_update_actor, tochange_last_update)


SQL_update_actor = ("UPDATE actor SET, 12, 19) WHERE first_name LIKE 'NICK' AND last_name LIKE 'WALKEN'")


will not work. In this case, 12, 19) from inside SQL_update_actor will be treated like a routine from SQL point of view and _mysql_connector will give error 

- parameter is expected to be tuple, list or dictionary

Means trying to use 

tochange_last_update =, 12, 19)

 (and not tochange_last_update = (, 12, 19), ) )

will fail with error: 

mysql.connector.errors.ProgrammingError: Could not process parameters: date(2023-12-19), it must be of type list, tuple or dict

MySQL-Python – 3. Accessing MySQL DB with mysql.connector

This is a continuation from MySQL-Python – 2 where we discussed about users and database.

In this page:

Installing mysql.connector

First we need to install package mysql.connector, for this in command prompt we need to use pip.

We will use for new package install: 

pip install mysql-connector-python

Or if page is already installed, is recommanded to upgrade it with: 

pip install mysql-connector-python --upgrade

Install mysql connector in python

As we can see in this PC package is already  installed. 

Using select with mysql.connector

Sample code is below:

import mysql.connector

connection = mysql.connector.connect(user='u2024', password='password1234', host='localhost', port=3306, database='sakila')

cursor = connection.cursor()

SQLquery = "SELECT  rental_id, customer_id, rental_date FROM rental "


for ( rental_id, customer_id, rental_date) in cursor:

  print("Rental with id: {}, done by customer id: {} was rented on {:%d %b %Y}".format(customer_id,  rental_id, rental_date))



Python MySQL base code

Comments about code: 

First we create a connection object using method mysql.connector.connect which have like parameter user/password, MySQL host, MySQL port and database to which we will open connection. 

Then we create a cursor object using cursor = connection.cursor(), in which we will fetch later, data from table. 

To execute cursor first we need SQL statement, this is stored in a string named SQLquery

There is: SQLquery = "SELECT  rental_id, customer_id, rental_date FROM rental "

Once we have SQL statement to fetch (or to get ) data in cursor we use execute method: 


The for loop is used to iterate over cursor and to display lines (records) one by one.

Select with parameter

Code is similar, Below is sample code for this:

import mysql.connector

connection = mysql.connector.connect(user='u2024', password='password1234', host='localhost', port=3306, database='sakila')

cursor = connection.cursor()

SQLquery = ("SELECT  rental_id, customer_id, rental_date FROM rental "

         "WHERE rental_date BETWEEN %s AND %s")

rental_date =, 8, 22)

return_date =, 8, 25)

cursor.execute(SQLquery, ( rental_date, return_date))

for ( rental_id, customer_id, rental_date) in cursor:

  print("Rental with id: {}, done by customer id: {} was rented on {:%d %b %Y}".format(customer_id,  rental_id, rental_date))



Python MySQL using select with parameter

Comments about code:

SQLquery string is changed, for select with parameter(s) we added in WHERE clause BETWEEN %s AND %s, here "%s" instruct interpreter that for the parameter we will provide a value. Parameters in this case are rental_date and return_date value for those is like 'YYYY,MM,DD'. To provide date we use from datetime module date object, this represent a naive date (it is a date that not contain information about time zone, daylight, etc., from simple reason we not need for this application this information).

In execute method we provide parameters  rental_date, return_date now syntax is 

cursor.execute(SQLquery, ( rental_date, return_date)) in this case rental_date will replace first "%s" and return_date by the second "%s" from discussed SQLquery.

The rest of the code is similar. 

MySQL-Python – 2. Database and user

This is continuation from MySQL-Python – 1 post where we installed MySQL server. 

In this page:

Accessing database from MySQL Workbench

We will access Sakila sample database with Python. 

First to remeber, when we installed MySQL we choose to install and configure "Samples and Examples". This option installed Sakila database.

We can see it fast, that it is on our server, either using in Windows 11: All Apps > MySQL > MySQL Workbench 8.0 CE

Click on Local instance

MySQL Workench

If password requested for root, type it, then MySQL Workbench will open and display Administration in Navigator panel. 

Clik Schemas and we will see sakila db.

MySQL Workench

And clicking further on Tables we see those. 

MySQL Workench

Accessing database using MySQL Command Line Client

Similar we can see sakila database using MySQL Command Line Client

In Windows 11: All Apps > MySQL > MySQL 8.0 Command Line Client

MySQL Command Line 1

When prompt to enter password, enter root password.


Now we can use sakila database, for example type USE sakila;

then we can execute a sql command for example select how many lines are in actor table. 

MySQL Command Line 2

Observation: if sakila database was not installed initial when MySQL was installed 

it can be added later, for example follow procedure like here.

In both cases from above user was root. In real life when access databases in applications we use a normal user (a user with fewer privileges, from security reason).  Below is the procedure to create the user.

Creating user from MySQL Command Line Client

Lets suppose we need to create user u2024, after you login to  MySQL Command Line tool like root run "SELECT user FROM mysql.user;" to check if user already exist. 

MySQL Command Line select user 3

u2024 is not in the list. 

To create it run: CREATE USER 'u2024' IDENTIFIED BY 'password1234';

MySQL Command Line create user

After create user we use again "SELECT user FROM mysql.user;" which confirm that user is created. 

Next step is to grant privileges to u2024 in sakila database for this we run:


MySQL Command Line grant 4

To test user, open a command prompt , change directory to folder where mysql is:

cd "C:\Program Files\MySQL1\MySQL Server 8.0\bin"

then connect with that user: mysql -u u2024 -p 

MySQL Command Line connect with user

Further we verify if we run commands, for example select. 

MySQL Command Line select

Run  quit; to exit from MySQL Command Line

Creating user from MySQL Workbench CE

Lets suppose we need to create user u2023.

After open MySQL Workbench CE and use root to connect we have this screen.

MySQL Workbench CE Users and Privileges

Click on "Users and Privileges" there is:

MySQL Workbench CE Users and Privileges 1

click "Add Account

MySQL Workbench CE Add User

Write details as in underlined with red edit boxes, then clik Account Limits

MySQL Workbench CE Account Limits

Here we can set limits for user connections, updates and queries. 

Click Administrative Roles.

MySQL Workbench CE Administrative Roles

here we can add administrative roles used for administer server. We not check something here because u2023 is just a user with limited privileges. 

Click Schema Privileges.

MySQL Workbench CE Schema Privileges

To add privileges for sakila schema click "Add Entry..."

MySQL Workbench CE Schema Privileges 2

Here select schema sakila then click Ok.

MySQL Workbench CE Schema Privileges

Here select rights, similar with what we granted previous for u2024

Click Apply.

User u2023 is created. 

MySQL Workbench CE Schema Privileges 4

MySQL-Python – 1. Installing mySQL

In this page: 

Downloading MySQL

Currently MySQL have 3 flavors: 

  • MySQL Enterprise Edition
  • MySQL NDB Cluster CGE
  • MySQL Community (GPL)

In current article we will discuss how to install MySQL Community (GPL) edition on Windows 10 or 11. 

To download installer first search for "MySQL download" or just load

MySQL download

Click on link "MySQL Community (GPL) Downloads"


Click on link "MySQL Installer for Windows"

MySQL Download 3

Select mysql-installer-community- to download installer local on pc (or select mysql-installer-web-community- to start installation directly from web)

MySQL Download 4

Specify location or path where to save file then click Save

MySQL install

After file mysql-installer-community- download finish, double click on it.

mySQL custom install-5

There are four setup type: 

  • Server only
  • Client only
  • Full
  • Custom

We choose Custom setup because it permit to select components that we desire to install.

After we choose setup type we select the products to install.

MySQL select products

Regarding to selected products it is desirable to mention that:

  • MySQL Workbench is a graphical tool which can be used for working with SQL commands.
  • MySQL Shell is a command prompt tool for the same, i.e. working with SQL commands, in plus in MySQL Shell we can use JavaScript and Python scripts. 

Click next there is:

MySQL installation

Then click Execute:

MySQL installation

the install process start. 

MySQL installation

After install complete click Next

MySQL configuration process

It will follow configuration process.

MySQL configuration

Click Next

mySQL configuration-11

In this screen we can choose what king of server (computer) we will use, depending by the system resources (in special by RAM memory). As we see there are three choices: 

  • Development Computer
  • Server Computer
  • Dedicated Computer

We will choose Server Computer.

In the next step we configure server connectivity.

MySQL configuration

MySQL server as most database servers support three kind of 


  • TCP/IP
  • Named Pipe, this is a bidirectional IPC (interprocess communication) usual on Windows.
  • Shared Memory, this kind of connection use a shared memory like a communication chanel by which client and server can communicate.

We choos TCP/IP like connectivity, this is reliable. 3306 is the usual TCP/IP port which is used most of the cases. 

There is also X protocol port 33060. A session object use this protocol to permit to run operation on the connected server. 

Click Next permit to choose authentication method.

MySQL configuration

We choose strong password encryption. 

Click Next.

mySQL configuration-root account password

In this screen we set root account password (remember it or note it). root user is the user with full privileges on server. In this screen using "Add User" account we can create new accounts. 

Click Next. 

MySQL configure windows service

MySQL configuring windows service

Here we set MySQL to run as a Windows Service (option valid as we install on windows). Running as a services is useful due easy procedure to start/stop service. 

We choose "Standard System Account" for run MySQL Service under a system account, which is more easy and safe. 

Click Next.

mySQL configuration-server files permission-16

In "Server File Permissions" we choose "Yes, grant full access...", usual this is for easy configuration, but sometime is more suitable second option where we can review and decide which privileges to grant.

Click Next.

mySQL configuration-apply-17

In "Apply Configuration" screen are listed all configuration steps 

that will be applied. Click Execute to apply those.

Click Execute.

MySQL configuration Finish.

After configuration is successful click Finish.

MySQL configuring sample.

Click Next to start to configure "Samples and Examples".

MySQL configuring samples

In this screen enter root password to connect to MySQL Server for configuring examples, then click Next.

MySQL configuring samples, connection to server successful.

In this screen is displayed that connection to MySQL server is successful.

Click Next.

MySQL Configuring samples.

This screen show configuration steps for Samples and Examples.

Click Next.

MySQL configuring samples.

Configuration for Samples and Examples is applied succesfully. Click Finish.

MySQL configuration.

Click Next.

MySQL configuration.

Instalation is complete. In this screen we can choose to start MySQL Workbench and/or MySQL Shell.

Click Finish.

MySQL Shell

This is how MySQL Shell looks.

MySQL Workbench.

This is MySQL Workbench.

Pyton OOP Tutorial – 3. Methods overriding

Derived classes allow code reuse this make code more easy to mantain and help in avoiding codding errors. However in derived class appear often casses when inherited method from parrent class isn't appropriate. 

For example let's presume we have an Employee class which have 3 attributes name, salary, phone and a method printEmployee which will display employee name and phone.

We derive from this a class Freelancer which have in plus atttribute domain. We need that for freelacer, printEmployee method to print name, phone and in plus domain. In this case printEmployee from base class is not apropriate and we need to extend it. Below is sample code:

class Employee:

   def __init__(self,nameValue, salaryValue, phoneValue):


   def getName(self):


   def getSalary(self):

      return self.salary

   def printEmployee(self):

       print(f"Employee: {} have phone {}")

class Freelancer(Employee):

   def __init__(self,nameValue, salaryValue, phoneValue, domainValue):

      super().__init__(nameValue, salaryValue, phoneValue)


   def printEmployee(self):

      print(f"Freelancer: {} have phone {} and works in domain {self.domain}")

#create Employee object and use it printEmployee



#create Freelancer object and use it overriding printEmployee method

fr1=Freelancer("TomH", 4200,'555-346534', 'Graphic design')



Employee: Jd have phone 555-342345

Freelancer: TomH have phone 555-346534 and works in domain Graphic design

  • Observe in sample code that printEmployee method is implemented again (is overwritted) in Freelancer derived class. 
  • When we use printEmployee with a base class object, it will use method from base class see emp1.printEmployee() which will print "Employee: Jd have phone 555-342345".
  • When we use printEmployee with derived class object fr1, see fr1.printEmployee() it will check first in derived class if printEmployee is overriding and if yes, it will use it. Output of fr1.printEmployee() will be "Freelancer: TomH have phone 555-346534 and works in domain Graphic design".
  • Observation: If in derived class method is not override, then method from parent class will be used.