Tuples are python data structures similar to lists. A tuple is composed of values separated by commas and enclosed within parenthesis. Like comparison to remember that lists are enclosed in brackets.
Tuple example:
Tuple elements are ordered and immutable (tuple is like a read-only list). Tuple elements are accessed similar like lists. Below are examples of accessing tuple elements:
myTuple=('mnp', 5, 145.34, False, 'Blue sky')
print(myTuple[1]) #accessing by index
print(myTuple[2:4]) #accessing with slice notation
(145.34, False)
print(myTuple[1:]) #accessing with slice notation
(5, 145.34, False, 'Blue sky')
Tuples elements are immutables (tuple is like a read-only list). If we try to modify an element from tuple similar like we do in lists case we will get an error. For example:
myTuple = (5, 'test123', 23.54, False, 'xyz')
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<pyshell#1>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: 'tuple' object does not support item assignment
Even if tuple is immutable, a tuple can contain like elements a list, elements of which can be modified. For example:
tuple123 = (10, [12, 7.5, True], 34.54, 'abc')
(10, [11, 7.5, True], 34.54, 'abc')
Here we see tuple123 contain like second element a list, i.e. [12, 7.5, True], means tuple123[1]= [12, 7.5, True]. There tuple123[1][0] access first element of list [12, 7.5, True]
In previous example we have a nested list in a tuple, or a tuple that contains elements like a list.
Obvious we can have a tuple that contains other tuple(s) and so on..., nested tuples.