In this page:
Downloading MySQL
Currently MySQL have 3 flavors:
In current article we will discuss how to install MySQL Community (GPL) edition on Windows 10 or 11.
To download installer first search for "MySQL download" or just load

Click on link "MySQL Community (GPL) Downloads"

Click on link "MySQL Installer for Windows"

Select mysql-installer-community- to download installer local on pc (or select mysql-installer-web-community- to start installation directly from web)

Specify location or path where to save file then click Save
MySQL install
After file mysql-installer-community- download finish, double click on it.

There are four setup type:
We choose Custom setup because it permit to select components that we desire to install.
After we choose setup type we select the products to install.

Regarding to selected products it is desirable to mention that:
Click next there is:

Then click Execute:

the install process start.

After install complete click Next
MySQL configuration process
It will follow configuration process.

Click Next

In this screen we can choose what king of server (computer) we will use, depending by the system resources (in special by RAM memory). As we see there are three choices:
We will choose Server Computer.
In the next step we configure server connectivity.

MySQL server as most database servers support three kind of
We choos TCP/IP like connectivity, this is reliable. 3306 is the usual TCP/IP port which is used most of the cases.
There is also X protocol port 33060. A session object use this protocol to permit to run operation on the connected server.
Click Next permit to choose authentication method.

We choose strong password encryption.
Click Next.

In this screen we set root account password (remember it or note it). root user is the user with full privileges on server. In this screen using "Add User" account we can create new accounts.
Click Next.

Here we set MySQL to run as a Windows Service (option valid as we install on windows). Running as a services is useful due easy procedure to start/stop service.
We choose "Standard System Account" for run MySQL Service under a system account, which is more easy and safe.
Click Next.

In "Server File Permissions" we choose "Yes, grant full access...", usual this is for easy configuration, but sometime is more suitable second option where we can review and decide which privileges to grant.
Click Next.

In "Apply Configuration" screen are listed all configuration steps
that will be applied. Click Execute to apply those.
Click Execute.

After configuration is successful click Finish.

Click Next to start to configure "Samples and Examples".

In this screen enter root password to connect to MySQL Server for configuring examples, then click Next.

In this screen is displayed that connection to MySQL server is successful.
Click Next.

This screen show configuration steps for Samples and Examples.
Click Next.

Configuration for Samples and Examples is applied succesfully. Click Finish.

Click Next.

Instalation is complete. In this screen we can choose to start MySQL Workbench and/or MySQL Shell.
Click Finish.

This is how MySQL Shell looks.

This is MySQL Workbench.